small farm Florist


For delivery to the cities of Santa Barbara, Goleta, Isla Vista, Montecito, Summerland, and Carpinteria only. Shop our array of gift baskets and dried florals for nationwide shipment.

basket of fresh local flowers

sustainable small farm flowers

With an emphasis on regenerative and organic farm practices, we are a fully seasonal florist. We only offer bouquets and arangements when our farms have incredible flowers and every arrangement is one of a kind based upon peak availability and beauty.

Our florists' mission is to make the world a better place through flowers, from the moment the seedling sprouts to the day it arrives at their doorstep.

Santa Barbara Company is a proud women-owned & certified green business.

Delivery specifics

At Santa Barbara Company, we take pride in hand-delivering beautiful gifts 7 days a week including Sunday to homes, offices, and hotels across Santa Barbara, Goleta, Isla Vista, Montecito, Summerland, and Carpinteria. For nationwide shipment, shop our array of gift baskets and dried florals. With very few exceptions, we offer same-day rush delivery for orders placed by 11:00 am.

product array with flowers, gift baskets and wine gifts.