A seasonal California dried floral bouquet with many shades of pink! Each bouquet of dried flowers comes gift-wrapped in paper.
Exact flower selections may vary but typically may include globe amaranth, roses, celosia, strawflower, larkspur, gomphrena, barley, arrow grass, statice, phalaris, sudan grass, and more.
The majority of our flowers come from Santa Barbara County farms growing with organic practices, with a small amount from a small farm in Washington State. Flowers are harvested at their peak and then hand tied into small bundles and hung upside down until they are perfectly preserved. Our team of florists then arrange them beautifully, wraps them up, and sends them on their way to you!
A few expert care notes: Please protect your flowers from high humidity. Direct sun will shorten their life. It's always normal for flowers to shed a bit in transit! Just shake out any plant material into the compost and enjoy your flowers for a year or more.